Friday, August 24, 2012

Final thoughts.

Now that I have been back in Canada for a couple of weeks, I have had a little time to reflect on my experience over the past three and a half months. To sum it all up our internship coordinator, Larissa, has given us the task of filling out the follow four questions/statements with the first answer that pops into our it goes.

Five things that I enjoyed about my internship experience are:
1. The people I met. Probably the most interesting people I have ever met.
2. Living simply

3. Being able to spend time with the community in San Francisco
4. Constant learning
Having a physically active job

Five things that bothered me during my internship experience are:
1. Homesickness – at first.
2. Lack of sleep
3. Bug bites
4. Being confined to one space for an extended period of time
Living and working in the same place - could be good and bad.

Five things I missed most about Canada/Toronto?
1. Family and friends
2. Hot water
3. The dry season – ie. not 200mm of rain every 3 days
4. Sushi
My cat (and now I sound like a crazy cat lady…)

Five things I will miss from my host country?
1. The people I met at the station
2. The abundant wildlife
3. The natural beauty, especially the mountains
4. The simplicity of life
Rice and beans...OH AND Lizano sauce

More reasons why I miss Costa Rica...

This is who we were greeted by on morning census walks

My new favourite thing. Why can't Toronto have an ocean?

This view.

And this view...

And this bird! Male resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

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